Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pre-order Special: CAPTAIN SHELBY by Jesse Giles Christiansen

Pre-order for only $2.99 until Sep 7, 2014

The Captain Shelby Trilogy - Book 2

There are places even the sea cannot go…

In coastal Denmark, a young man named Nereus builds a longship and leaves at age eighteen to discover a new, enigmatic land. Faced with unimaginable obstacles, he crosses the North Atlantic, only to be captured by the Skraelings, the Inuit indigenous people who seek revenge on all settlers because of a "Great Red Man" who murdered many of their family members.

A few years later, Nereus is hired by a group of Irish settlers who are fleeing the tyranny of King Henry VIII, and he takes them across the North Atlantic to the Newfound Land. A fierce battle ensues against the sea, the Little Ice Age, and the vicious Skraelings.

When Nereus falls in love with Laura Hodges, fiancée to the group’s leader, William Brockelby, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous love triangle…until the formidable mystery surrounding Captain Nereus H. Shelby is finally revealed.

Book Details:

ISBN: 978-1-77223-001-7 (Kindle ebook); $4.99 US; September 7, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-77223-004-8 (Trade paperback); $14.99 US; September 14, 2014

Language: English

Editorial Reviews:

“With haunting prose, CAPTAIN SHELBY is a unique foray into the magical yet poignantly human history of the old fisherman from Pelican Bay. This prequel will not only deeply satisfy Christiansen’s previous readers, but will leave them so tantalized by the story lines, they will think the events actually happened—a demonstration of skill surely to launch this author into the big leagues.” —William R. Forstchen, New York Times bestselling author of One Second After

“CAPTAIN SHELBY is written in the style of a classic novel which should stand the test of time. It is the finest in adventures/literary fiction genre seen by the best writers in the business. Christiansen tells this beautifully written novel with precision, making his storytelling that of an American master at the top of his form.” —Cathy Scott, award-winning author of The Millionaire's Wife

“This is a novel with lots of different layers. On one level it's an enthralling historical romp but on another it seeks to forge a whole new myth around the early history of Canada with big characters and more than a hint of the supernatural. In its ambition and scope it reminded me of Mordecai Richler's classic of Canadian literature Solomon Gursky Was Here.” —Chris Hill, author of Song of the Sea God

“CAPTAIN SHELBY is a story full of adventure, mystery, intrigue and love. Christiansen states he was inspired by Hemingway. The inspiration has given birth because this narrative is masterful. Hemingway would be very pleased with this author’s work.” —Lori Caswell, Top 1000 Amazon reviewer

Available at:


Pre-order Special A HIDDEN ELEMENT by Donna Galanti

Pre-order for only $2.99 until Aug 28, 2014

Book 2 in The Element Trilogy

Evil lurks within…

When Caleb Madroc is used against his will as part of his father’s plan to breed a secret alien community and infiltrate society with their unique powers, he vows to save his oppressed people and the two children kept from him.

Seven years later, Laura and Ben Fieldstone’s son is abducted, and they are forced to trust a madman’s son who puts his life on the line to save them all. The enemy’s desire to own them—or destroy them—leads to a survival showdown.

Laura and Ben must risk everything to defeat a new nemesis that wants to rule the world with their son, and Caleb may be their only hope—if he survives. But must he sacrifice what he most desires to do so?

Book Details:

ISBN: 978-1-927792-90-2 (Kindle ebook); $5.99 US; August 28, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-927792-94-0 (Trade paperback); $16.99 US; August 28, 2014

Language: English

Editorial Reviews:

"Chilling and dark, Donna Galanti’s A Hidden Element is a twisty journey into another world, where fathers and sons fight the ultimate battle, and ghostly strangers manipulate those left behind on Earth. Don’t miss it." —J.T. Ellison, New York Times bestselling author of When Shadows Fall

"A Hidden Element is a fascinating look at the bleak and graphic world of the Elyon Destroyers, a humanoid race with special powers and a strong drive to endure and procreate at all costs, and other Elyons who struggle to stop them and save humanity. It is also a haunting story about just how far parents will go to protect, or destroy, their children in the name of love." —Rebecca Cantrell, New York Times bestselling author of The World Beneath

"Donna Galanti's A Hidden Element expertly mixes genres, combining sci-fi with mystery, thriller and romance. The result is a pulse-pounding read that will keep you up long past your bedtime, turning pages as fast as you can. If you love suspense, do yourself a favor and make Donna Galanti’s Element series your next read." —Allan Leverone, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Final Vector

"A darkly fresh take on the paranormal genre." —Scott Nicholson, international bestselling author of The Red Church

"An intoxicating blend of sci-fi and suspense! Donna Galanti brings together all my favorite elements—psi-powers, aliens hiding among us, sex as a weapon and secret rebellions that could change worlds. A Hidden Element is an edge-of-your-seat read that had me holding my breath and crossing my fingers…at least until I had to turn the next page!" —John Everson, Bram Stoker award-winning author of Siren

"A compelling page turner! A Hidden Element is an evocative mirror on humanity as seen through the eyes, hearts, and desires of a dying alien race. Bone-chilling suspense with a tantalizing palpable menace readers will devour." —Jordan Dane, bestselling author of the Sweet Justice series

"Donna Galanti’s A Hidden Element masterfully depicts the most powerful battle of all: great love against great evil, with an unearthly twist. The book wraps its confident storytelling around you on page one and rivets your attention to the heart-racing ending. A triumph of craft and characterization, A Hidden Element drips suspense from every compelling word. A gripping, emotionally involving, and unsettling read—highly recommended!" —Dakota Banks, award-winning author of the Mortal Path series

"Donna Galanti's new novel, A Hidden Element, is a wonder of a book. I loved it through and through. Galanti has a gift, especially for dialogue that sweeps the reader away into the land of Story. I'd call this one of the most magical books I've read in ages. It's human, it's got heart, and it's told by a true storyteller who cares about her characters so that we care too. I couldn't put it down—and that's the best we can ever say about a work of fiction. Galanti has a winner here." —Billie Sue Mosiman, author of Banished

Available at:


New Release: METATRON: The Mystical Blade by Laurence St. John

Book 2 in the Metatron Series

One ruthless demon faces one relentless teenager…

Thirteen-year-old Tyler Thompson is on the verge of becoming a superhero, but he must prove himself so he can earn the remainder of his superpowers and fulfill his destiny.

When his grandfather, Benjamin, is held prisoner at AREA 51, where the eternal powers are presumed to be hidden, Tyler attempts to penetrate the base’s heavy security. However, Dr. Mason Payne, the evil scientist who killed Tyler's father, has insidious plans of his own.

Hunted by an unknown entity, Tyler races against the clock to retrieve the superpowers, rescue his family and help the others who are depending on him. And when all hope seems lost, help comes in a power he didn’t know he possessed—a mysterious weapon known as The Mystical Blade. 

Book Details:

ISBN: 978-1-927792-95-7 (Kindle ebook); $3.99 US; August 20, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-927792-99-5 (Trade paperback); $10.99 US; August 20, 2014

Language: English

Editorial Reviews:

“St. John has done it again with The Mystical Blade; another novel 13 year olds of any age will really enjoy!” —Piers Anthony, New York Times bestselling fantasy author of the Xanth series

“St. John's stories are full of warm characters that shine like the sun and deliver the sense of urgency and leadership that is lacking in our youth today. The Mystical Blade—a very necessary piece of literary fiction missing in our society.” — Braxton A. Cosby, award-winning author of Protostar

Available at: